What NOT to do if in an Auto Accident

If you are in an Auto Accident you likely are very nervous and have trouble thinking right after the accident. This is normal.

It is very important to not do certain things just after the accident.

  1. Do not admit fault or apologize. You may think you did something wrong but the facts may differ from you initial instinct.
  2. Do not go on social media and discuss the accident. Anything you put on the internet may come back to haunt you later on.
  3. Do not give a statement to the other party’s insurance company. They will try to get you to admit fault or to minimize your injuries.

The important thing to do is contact an experienced personal injury/ auto accident attorney. Our office has represented people in the Toledo, Ohio and northwestern Ohio area for over 29 years.

You can contact Auto Accident Attorney Fred Boyk at 419-327-6160, 7 days a week for an absolutely FREE case evaluation.